Restoration of the Heart Recap

Restoration of the Heart
Weekend at North River Church of Christ

In March of this year, a group of us from Marietta, Georgia flew to Colorado Springs, Colorado. Our goal was to attend a conference headed by two very influential Christian speakers whose main focus is ‘the healing of man’s heart’, John Elderdge, American Counselor and Author of the best seller “Wild at Heart” and prominent Christian therapist Dan Allender who specializes in trauma recovery and is also a professor. The name of the conference was “Restoration of the Heart“.

We saw the amazing transformation of hearts in the audience in Colorado; and we all mutually agreed halfway through how beneficial it would be to bring this gift back to our friends in Atlanta.

We called our Atlanta based event, Restoration of the Heart Workshop. A two-day focus on each person’s heart and that an intentional wrestling of each person’s unique story and subsequent wounds so that a fresh healing could take place.

Outline for Restoration of the Heart

Acknowledging and recognizing the following:

1) Your Story Matters

Each person has their own unique journey and their own unique wounds.

2) Your Wounds Matter

As much as we try to cover up our pain, and tell ourselves it wasn’t such a big deal, it really is, to God that is. God cares that we have pain.

3) Your Healing Matters

Wounds + Satans lies
= Agreements
You’ve made with the enemy

Agreements with the enemy for example are:
“I messed up XXX, therefore I will never be good at YYY so I shouldn’t even try.” “I don’t deserve a new chapter in my life, so I will not even hope or pray for it.”

Beginning Recovery / The Healing

Step 1.) Writing your story (600-800 words) begins the healing of the brain from damage caused by trauma, addresses wounds that have made you vulnerable to lies, so you can isolate agreements you’ve made with the enemy

Step 2.) Invite Jesus into your wounds by praying with authority against those agreements.

Step 3.) Seek professional help if you get stuck.

Step 4) Find healing in the cross, the blood of Christ and the power of the resurrection!

The feedback from the event was incredible. Since we were unable to accept all who wanted to make the event (seating was limited). A second event will be planned soon to reach those who wish to see real change in their lives recovering from past pains.

Steve Brand is a psychotherapist with over 25,000 clinical hours and travel the United States for Marriage Crisis Counseling. He has a marriage counseling practice in Historic Roswell and is accepting new clients .